From Safaritalo, safaris and trips for every season!

Guided safaris and trips from Safaritalo! Snowmobile, ATV, water jet and fatbike safaris. Also canoeing, snowshoeing, and hiking trips.

Snowmobile safaris

With Safaritalo’s snowmobile safaris, you can get to know the world of sledding in the winter landscapes of Kalajoki! The safaris are suitable for first-timers as well as experienced drivers. At the beginning of each Safari, we conduct a thorough driving instructions.


ATV safaris

View the landscapes of Hiekkasärkät from an AVT! You can get into the mood at the latest after wearing a driving suit and a helmet. On a guided two-hour safari, we enjoy lunch in the forest!

Fatbike safaris

Put on the helmet, jump on the back of the fatbike and follow the guide through the dunes of Hiekkasärkät. Feel the wind on your face and the smell of the sea in your nose.

Jet ski safari

Go on the sea for the adventure of your life and experience how it feels to fly on the sea! At the same time, you will see the wonderful Rahja archipelago and enjoy picnic lunch at the archipelago’s wonderful landing spot. A safety boat is always included on our jet safaris. If the group is large, the boat serves as a place to change drivers. Group size 2-12 people.

Canoeing trip

Jump aboard on the canoe and discover the eye-catching scenery of Siiponjoki. Siiponjoki is a small, winding and deep river. The riverside is lush as the river winds its way through the sand ridges. Alternatively, go and enjoy the scenery of the Rahja archipelago and the waves of the sea. In the Rahja archipelago, there are many places to enjoy lunch on a campfire site right by the sea.

Snowshoe hiking

Snowshoe hiking gets the blood flowing and the cheeks red. A snowshoe hike usually lasts 1 to 2 hours. At Safaritalo, we change into winter overalls and put on decent snowshoes. A quick guide to the secrets of snowshoeing and we start hiking on the forest trail towards, for example, Valkeavesi campfire site. We enjoy our lunch in the woods.

Ski trip/Ice skiing

On a guided ski trip, we get to know the technique of cross-country skiing. At the same time, you will also get to know Hiekkasärkkä’s excellent trail network. Weather permitting, ice skiing is also possible. If you are in good condition and the sea is frozen, the journey can continue all the way to the self-governing island of Maakalla.

On a ski trip, we sip hot drinks and fry sausages.

Sliding snowshoe hiking

Discover a new sport and conquer an untouched hanky! At the Safaritalo, we change into overalls and put on proper winter shoes. Then we get to know the sliding equipment, after which we are ready to ski on pristine slopes, e.g. the campfire site of Valkeavesi. In the woods you can enjoy your lunch and admire the nature.

Hiking trip

Led by a guide, we hike along Siiponjoki's nature trails through barren pine forests to the lush riverbank, where the river winds its way through Hiekkaharju. On the way you can watch e.g. sand ramparts of the ancient beach. We fry sausages in the goahti of Loukas.